German Placement Test
German Placement Test
How good is your German? Take our free German Placement test online!
Who should take our German Placement test?
- If you don’t know which German course (at which level) is right for you
- If you would like to attempt a German course but have not taken any German courses at Sprachenatelier before
Not sure how good your German is? Not sure if you are level A1, B1 or C1? Find the right German for you with our free Placement Test!
Please take the test without help and at least 2 weeks before the start of your German course.
The written Placement Test has 50 questions and at the end there is a short writing exercise. In total the test will take around 15-20 minutes. There is always only one correct answer per question. Careful - you cannot go back and correct an answer after you have clicked ‘next’. After the written test you can then reserve a date for the speaking assessment.