Deutsch Intensivkurse Sprachenatelier

Intensive German courses in Berlin - Online and on-site

Learn German quickly and thoroughly in our intensive crash course!

If you want to learn German quickly and effectively, one of our German intensive courses is the perfect choice. The Sprachenatelier offers German intensive courses at all levels - from beginner (A1) to advanced (C2).

Four days a week, these German courses provide intensive training in conversation, grammar, vocabulary, listening and writing. Our qualified and committed German teachers ensure optimal acquisition of vocabulary and grammar in small learning groups, as well as communication practice based on topics from everyday life, work, art and culture.

The German intensive courses are available both online and on-site. Furthermore, you can choose between German intensive courses in the morning or in the afternoon.

In-person German intensive courses at levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 or "Crash course German - online intensive"

  • Lessons per week
    on-site: 16 - 20 x 45 min.
    online: 8 x 45 min.
  • Group size
    on-site: 6 - 14 students
    online: 3 - 6 students
  • Course start
    on-site: possible every Monday  
    online: every six weeks
  • Days
    on-site: Mon - Thu
    online: Tue - Fri
  • Time
    on-site: 9:00 - 12:30 or 13:30 - 17:00
    online: 13:30 - 15:00
  • Course levels
    on-site: A1 - C2
    online: A1+/A2 or B2/C1

In summer (July and August), our morning intensive courses are called summer courses and include a range of exciting cultural activities in addition to German lessons.

Our special German Intensive Courses for Work are recognised as Bildungszeit (formerly Bildungsurlaub) in accordance with the Berlin Bildungszeitgesetz [BiZeitG] and consist of 30 lessons/week.

If you already have previous knowledge of the German language, we will conduct a written and oral placement test to find a suitable entry level for you. You will automatically take the placement test as soon as you have registered for a course with previous knowledge.

Which learning materials do we offer in our German intensive courses?

Our Intensive German Courses use different textbooks that need to be bought and familiarised with at the beginning of the course. Depending on course level, the textbooks "Panorama" (Cornelsen), "Weitblick" (Cornelsen) and "Aspekte neu" (Klett) are currently used in our German Intensive Courses. You can order the books on the publisher‘s website or from the Buchbox (bookstore in Berlin). Alternatively, you can also buy the books in our office (cash only).

Additionally, our teachers also create their own teaching materials, that will be distributed as photocopies for free.

How long does one level of our on-site intensive courses last?

The duration of one sub-level (ex: A1.1 or A1.2) course is approximately 4-6 weeks. However, it is different for each course participant, how much time they need. A complete level (A, B or C) takes approximately 8-12 weeks.

The duration of each level is calculated honestly in a transparent and fair way, so that you have clear expectations and can successfully reach your goal without misleading information and false promises!

In-person or online German intensive courses at levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2

Free offers for our German course participants

  • written and oral placement exam

  • individual certification (upon request)

  • free WiFi

  • our own beach volleyball court

  • community book exchange shelf

  • assistance searching for accomodation in Berlin

  • free extra help “Fachsimpeln am Freitag“: interactive activites about German language and culture

  • free culture program (with the exception of entrance fees): “Kulturmittwoch“ takes place every week and is a fantastic way for German course participants to experience culture and everyday life in Berlin. Every summer, the Sprachenaterlier organizes a big summer program with different afternoon and evening activities (excurions, museum and theater visits, bike tours, barbecues, etc.)

Registration process for German intensive courses

  • A1.1 absolute beginners

    1. Click on reserve.
    2. Fill out the registration form (1 min.)
    3. You will instantly receive a confirmation.
    4. Pay € 50 registration fee: place reserved.
    5. Pay for as many weeks as you want (extendable).
    6. Start of the course!
  • A1.2-C2 with previous knowledge

    1. Click on reserve.
    2. Fill out the registration form (1 min.).
    3. You will instantly receive a confirmation.
    4. You will receive the link to the placement test by email.
    5. You take the placement test (approx. 20 min.) online or at any time in Sprachenatelier, no appointment needed.
    6. You do the oral placement in Sprachenatelier (no appointment needed) or a Zoom call (approx. 10 min.).
    7. You will get our referral to a course.
    8. Pay € 50 registration fee / prepayment: place reserved.
    9. Pay for as many weeks as you want (extendable).
    10. Start of the course!

    With previous knowledge it is possible to flexible join an ongoing course every Monday.
    Please register 1-2 weeks before the desired start of the course.


How do you register for our German courses?

Anmeldung zum Deutschkurs im Sprachenatelier Berlin

When does the next German course start?

  • On-site without previous knowledge (A1.1):
    31.03.25, 28.04.25, 26.05.25 (23.06.25, 28.07.25 Summer Courses) 01.09.25, 29.09.25, 27.10.25, 24.11.25
    Afternoon: 28.04.25, 26.05.25, 23.06.25, 28.07.25, 01.09.25, 29.09.25, 27.10.25, 24.11.25
  • On-site with previous knowledge (A1.2 - C2):
    Morning: flexible according to placement exam and availability 
    Afternoon: flexible according to placement exam and availability 
  • "Crash course German - online intensive" A1+/A2:
    Afternoon: 07.04.25, 19.05.25, 30.06.25
  • “Crashkurs Deutsch - Online Intensiv" B1+/B2/C1
    Nachmittags: 07.04.25, 19.05.25, 30.06.25

Prices of our German intensive courses

2 weeks
240 €
4 weeks
440 €
8 weeks
870 €
1250 €
New students pay an additional one-time registration fee of € 50.
Crash Course German - Online Intensive: 350 € / 4 weeks (no registration fee required)

What course options for the German intensive course do we offer?