Prüfungsvorbereitungskurse Deutsch Berlin Sprachenatelier

Foreign Language Exams in Berlin

Prepare for and take standardized tests at Sprachenatelier Berlin

For some foreign languages, Sprachenatelier Berlin offers the possibility of taking an officially recognized exam or at least targeted preparation courses for an exam. If you are interested in exam preparation, please fill out the contact form.

(More languages and exams are in the works.)


You are able to register for private lessons at Sprachenatelier to prepare for the following internationally recognized English exams:

Cambridge Assessment

Internationally recognized exams at the University of Cambridge in 5 difficulty levels. This exam tests you on your reading comprehension, listening comprehension and written/oral expression. Specific information about the location, price and dates can be found at Cambridge English.

The Business English Certificates (BEC) are made up of 3 exams (B1, B2 and C1), which test the English language ability and active skills in a business environment. Further information to these exams can be found under Cambridge English: Business Certificates 

ETS Exams

Internationally recognized exams for academic programs in the USA. Among others, the ETS administers the TOEFL and the GRE.

The TOEFL is a standardized computer-based test that you must take prior to applying to universities in the USA. TOEFL is a formal exam that doesn't test your active communicative skills, but rather your reading and listening comprehension and grammar. You can find more information at ETS TOEFL und

The Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) are standardized tests, that you must take if you want to apply for most graduate level programs in the USA. The test evaluates mathematical understanding, logic and ability to evaluate diagrams, as well as language and analytical skills. More information at GRE.


General language examinations in a range of language skill levels. Tested are: reading comprehension, listening comprehension, written and oral expression. The results are valid for two years. You can't fail the IELTS exams, only score more or less points. The examination centre is at the British council (Tel.: 030 31 10 99 57), more information at IELTS.


The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is not a language exam but rather a standardized test that you must complete if you want to apply for an MBA in English or other postgraduate programs. The test mainly evaluates the candidates' problem solving abilities. The test includes an analytical writing assessment, problem solving and data sufficiency. More information can be found at


Nt2 State Exam and CNaVT – Certificate

Sprachenatelier is specialized in preparing you for both these exams, whether you are a beginning (Nt2 State Exam and CNaVT) or advanced (CNaVT) Dutch learner

If you are interested in one of the exams and/or want to participate in an exam preparation course at Sprachenatelier, please register through the registration form.