Jüdisches Museum Sprachenatelier Kultur
Wednesday, 2. February 2022, 12:30 - 14:30, Berlin

Jewish Museum

With last week being the "Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer des Holocaust” (Memorial Day for the Victims of the Holocaust), a day of thought for all those who suffered and lost their lives during the Holocaust, we invite you to join us for this weeks Culture Wednesday at the Jewish Museum Berlin. With its permanent and temporary exhibitions, collections, events program, and W. Michael Blumenthal Academy, as well as its digital and educational offerings, the museum is a vibrant place for dialogue and reflection on Jewish history and the present in Germany.

MEETINGPOINT: 12:30 p.m. in front of the Sprachenatelier
DURATION: as long as you wish
COSTS: free
PLEASE NOTE: 2G- Regulations, Vaccination Pass and Personal ID/ID with Photo, FFP2 mask


Jüdisches Museum
Lindenstraße 9-14
10969 Berlin