Urban Nation Sprachenatelier Culture
Urban Nation Sprachenatelier Culture
Wednesday, 8. November 2023, 13:30, Berlin

Culture Wednesday - Urban Nation

Urban Nation is more than just simply a museum. It is where international street art finds a home. The ceilings are removed and instead there are diagonal bridges that link interior and exterior space - museum and city. With its various projects spread across two floors it makes urban and street art visible and accessible to everyone. In addition to the exhibitions, the exterior of the building is regularly decorated with new murals by street artists.

The current exhibition of contemporary art which we will be seeing is called “Talking… & Other Banana Skins”, and is curated by Michelle Houston. It uses vibrant colours to capture our attention and encourage thought-provoking discourse on current societal issues. The artwork presented in the eight chapters of the exhibition addresses the polarisation of society and the fact that we all have different views and outlooks on life. It invites viewers to question both their own perspective as well as question how and what is communicated in society and in the urban environment. The exhibition features paintings, installations, sculptures and video works that cover the entire spectrum of urban and contemporary art.

Meeting point: 13:30 in front of Sprachenatelier
Duration: as long as you want
Costs: none


Urban Nation Museum
Bülowstraße 7
10783 Berlin