Potsdam Museum Barberini Sprachenatelier Kultur
Wednesday, 12. July 2023, 13:30, Potsdam

Summer Program - Potsdam Barberini, Freundschaftsinsel

The Museum Barberini is an art museum in the center of Potsdam which is located in the reconstructed classicist-baroque palace Barberini. Whether Pablo Picasso, Vincent van Gogh, Claude Monet or Rembrandt, Antique sculptures, French Impressionism or Baroque painting - the Museum Barberini is dedicated to all styles and eras and always opens new perspectives on art.

Meeting Point: 13:30 in front of Sprachenatelier
Duration: as long as you want
Cost: none


Museum Barberini
Humboldtstraße 5-6
14467 Potsdam