Right on the bank of the River Spree, by Köllnischer Park is the Märkisches Museum. The permanent gallery here promises to give visitors a comprehensible overview of Berlin history from the ice age to the present day. Using artefacts, materials, interactive stations and more the exhibition takes us on a journey of the city’s formative turning points. There is a lot to take in here, for as the website says – the only constant in Berlin is change. A big selling point of the museum is the building itself. Designed by Hoffman, the architecture is said to echo Brandenburg brick architecture from different time periods. It is said that influences can be seen, for example, from St Catherine’s Church in Brandenburg an der Havel, the keep of the Bishop’s Castle in Wittstock as well as from Ratzeburg cathedral.
MEETINGPOINT: 12:30 p.m. in front of the Sprachenatelier
DURATION: as long as you wish
COSTS: free of charge