

Course Deutsch Pflegekurs PRÄSENZ
Details Niveau B1-B2
Day Mo-Fr
Time 14:15 - 17:45
Period 1 Woche
Price, with teaching material 295,00 €
Deadline 2 weeks before course start. Late registration possible in exceptional cases.
Course no. 10025



1.1 Provider of courses and contractual partner: Sprachenatelier Berlin [isk] GmbH, Frankfurter Allee 40, 10247 Berlin


2.1 The contract takes effect on registration via the online-form or in writing using the registration form provided by Sprachenatelier Berlin. A registration fee of 50.00 € has to be paid by the participant immediately.

Depending on the particular case, it is within the discretion of the provider to demand advance payment of the total course fee.

2.2 The provider may withdraw from the contract, should the participant fail to make the advance payment.

2.3 After registration, participants are obliged to pay the course fee on the first day of the course at the latest.

2.4 Later payments can only be made as part of an instalment agreement, which can be arranged at a surcharge and in writing on a case-by-case basis. There is no entitlement to a deferred-payment agreement on the part of the participant.


3.1 Each course requires a minimum of 6 participants. In case a course cannot take place due to a lack of registrations, participants will be refunded their course fee. The provider can make an alternative offer to participants, e.g. carrying out the course with a reduced number of lessons or at an increased fee.

3.2 The contract is automatically concluded with the stated end of the course. This shall not apply, if a participant decides to continue taking part in the course.

3.3 The provider works mainly with native-tongue German instructors. Participants are not entitled to be instructed by a specific teacher or to a specific instruction method.


4.1 Should participants be incapable of taking part in the course, due to sickness or otherwise unforeseen circumstances without fault of their own, the provider must be informed immediately, stating the relevant reasons. The provider may request evidence of the causes for absence and may offer participants a prolongation of the course in question as an alternative. There is no entitlement to this on the part of the participants.


5.1 Obligation to pay the course fees exists irrespective of attendance.

5.2 Course fees will not be refunded in case of non-attendance or termination of attendance. Any fees unpaid upon withdrawal must be paid in full.

5.3 Participants may offset claims by the provider only against undisputed or legally effective claims.

5.4 In order for applicants to receive a refund of their registration payment, the provider requires a written cancellation, which must arrive no later than 10 working days prior to the start of the course. Refunds are subject to a 30.00 € processing fee. Remaining course fees will be cancelled. Applicants whose cancellation notification arrives later than 10 working days prior to the start of the course will not receive a refund.

5.5 Any changes to the course bookings made, will have to be announced in advance and will be subject to a surcharge.

5.6 Applicants may take part in a trial lesson at a charge of 14.00 €, payable in advance. There is, however, no entitlement to a trial lesson.


6.1 The abovementioned regulations (Items 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.2, 3.3, 5.1, 5.2., 5.3, 5.4, 5.5) also apply to private lessons.

6.2 The contract takes effect on registration via the online form or in writing using the registration form provided by Sprachenatelier Berlin. The full course fee corresponding to the chosen course offer has to be paid forthwith by the participant.

6.3 Deferred payment for private lessons can only be arranged by written agreement and on a case-by-case basis. There is no entitlement to a deferred-payment agreement on the part of the participant.

6.4 Appointments for instruction should be made at intervals of no more than two weeks, in exceptional and duly warranted cases, longer intervals may be agreed upon.

Should the student fail to arrange an appointment within two weeks, the remaining pre-booked lessons will be forfeited. Forfeiture does not apply, if the provider is responsible for the delay in arranging appointments.

6.5 Cancellation of appointments must be made by telephone on a working day at least 24 hours prior to the appointment, Monday appointments must be cancelled by Friday 19.00 h at the latest, otherwise corresponding lessons will be charged.


7.1 If more than 480 lessons are agreed upon, both parties may cancel the contract up until the last course date prior to completion of the respective 480 lessons until completion of the 480th lesson. Lesson paid but not taken will be refunded.

§ 314 BGB (termination for good cause) remains unaffected.


8.1 Although not a prerequisite for participation, the provider strongly recommends that course participants have adequate health and liability insurance during their stay in Berlin.


9.1 The provider will be liable for accidents and other damages to students or for belongings stolen and damaged during instruction only in case of intent or gross negligence on its part.

9.2 The provider assumes no liability for accidents and other damages/harm caused to students on their way to lessons and back.


10.1 For administration purposes the provider uses electronic data processing.

10.2 The following data will be gathered on registration: first name and surname, address, date of birth, professional status, e-mail address, landline and mobile telephone number. Disclosure of data to third parties is ruled out.


11.1 Instruction is not given on weekends and official holidays (federal state of Berlin). Intensive course lessons not taking place due to official holidays will not be reimbursed and will also not be made up at a later date.

11.2 Students are obliged to treat appliances, fittings and class rooms at Sprachenatelier Berlin with due care, to abide by the house rules and safety and fire regulations of the building where instruction takes place, as well as obey any no-smoking rules.

11.3 The provider reclaims the right to immediately bar students who have violated the house/school rules from the premises. The provider does not tolerate defamation of any kind or sexist/racist remarks toward instructors, staff or other students on its premises. Students violating this rule will also be barred immediately.

11.4 Any alteration of these Terms & Conditions must be in writing.

11.5 Students sponsored by the provider are subject to special conditions, which are stipulated in the respective contract.

11.6 For exams, the terms and conditions of the respective examining institution shall additionally apply.

11.7 Place of jurisdiction is Berlin, for students who are merchants or do not have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany.

The health of our course participants, teachers and office staff is our top priority.

Sprachenatelier Berlin reserves itself the right to switch face-to-face courses to online lessons at short notice if on-site classes are temporarily no longer possible due to the Infection Protection Act.

In this case the lessons will be held online via Zoom or another video conferencing provider. This change does not entitle to a withdrawal from the course offer.

Sprachenatelier Berlin will not reimburse any course fees in that case, however, it is possible to postpone the course within 12 months from the time of the change (depending on the availability of free course places).

The offer of online classes is equivalent to the offer of on-site classes: time, duration, period, level, and content remain the same. There is no entitlement to lessons with a specific teacher.